Predictions for 1999
D. Pontbriand - Florida will become the 11th province of Canada
Greg Baker - There will be five dominant operating systems - Linux, Windows NT, OS/2, MacOS, and some other.
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Randall Fawl - Grain prices will rise to record levels as the result of a prolonged drought in the American Midwest.
!elbakrameR - "1999" by Prince will be the most played song on American radio for the month of December, 1998
ron sage - new york will be nuked
Larry E. Ellison - Russia will lead a multi-nation army to invade Israel, at which time Jesus Christ will return and as Zech 14:4 says when his feet touch the Mt. of Olives, it will split in two in an earthquake felt all around the world before the year 2000.
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Gene Olson - Pacific Ocean to rise roughly 40 feet
Gene Olson - New City (near New York City) gets nuked
Gene Olson - High levels of sulphur in New York water system
Gene Olson - The Eastern Coast (USA) will change.
erik leech - cashless transaction is the mainstay in daily commerce. limited cash transaction will still exist but heavily penalised. If ATMS still exist by now - the PIN would be obsolete - replaced by some other forms of identification e.g. Iris or finger print scan.
Two Bits - A crude nuclear bomb will be intercepted in the New York harbor aboard a rusty freighter.
MJB - The Planets will change orbit, causing a change in the earth's atmosphere
MJB - The US government will turn into a "Big Brother" society.
Chris Obenshain - Thousands of misinformed dumbasses will gather in New York City onDec. 31 1999
B.Kelly - I think Barney will attempt to take over the world!
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stoser - U.S. Presidency will be abolished!
nevercan - Clinton resigns in his second term due to a trial that would incriminate him. Pardoned by Gore
Brain Stuff - Disclosure that Gulf War virus is carried by 85% of all veterans serving in the years 1987 - 1992.
David Johnson - Gene Olson will continue to make predictions of major disasters in spite of the fact that none of his predictions for 1998 came true
Brain Stuff - By 1999 the U.S. Military becomes the smallest and most ineffective since prior to WWII.
Andreas Todomony - In the year nineteenhundrednintynine a rain of terror will fall upon the earth the likes of wich have not been released in 50 years. Blood, famine, disease. Then the great judge shall come.
Jesse Gnash - Before the turn of the century, there will be mass transformation of existing organic matter; including the physical body.
rocky besednjak - china will invade hong kong and there will be a major world warchina will invade hong kong and there will be a major world war
MABaas - Soviet Union divided due to political dispute leading to war.
Andrew Burke - Small toaster-shaped aliens will visit the earth. They will not actually be able to toast anything, they can simply act as though they wish to toast things. This will drive most humans insane as they force the small aliens to eat pop-tarts and eggo waffles(tm). Humans, being the small-minded creatures that they are, will become angry when their toasted morsels don't pop up. Sticking their crazed fingers into the small "toaster aliens," millions will be killed by electric shock. Why the aliens are electrified will be unknown, some will suppose it has something to do with the size of Bill Gates' head. The most ironic aspect of this prediction is that all the aliens will really want are large pieces of wheat bread.
thebayouprophet - LSU will win the national championship in college football
MABaas - 1999 - experimental super bug- will accidently be released to the population.
Nelson Metke - Buffalo Bills will compete in Super Bowl XXXIII.