Predictions for 1996
Greg Baker - China will be involved in aggresive/defensive military action
Dr Louis Turi - 1996 will be the worst year for explosions, dam failure, volcanic eruption, heat waves , fires, natural and man made accidents since 1948
Dr Louis Turi - Total restructuring in certain industrial and political systems.
Dr Louis Turi - More power plant stations will be forced to close
Dr Louis Turi - Spread of war in Europe
Dr Louis Turi - Lift of the Arms embargo from the US in Bosnia
Dr Louis Turi - More republics break away from Russia
Dr Louis Turi - France/US/England/Germany victims of terrorism
Dr Louis Turi - Increase in interest in soccer in the USA.
Dr Louis Turi - More Hollywood stuntmen to die
Dr Louis Turi - New mind diseases
Dr Louis Turi - Meningitis returns
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Dr Louis Turi - Worse fires
Dr Louis Turi - More firefighters die
Dr Louis Turi - Stockmarket crash
Dr Louis Turi - Car manufacturer out of business
Dr Louis Turi - OJ Simpson will be convicted
Dr Louis Turi - Bill Clinton will be re-elected
Dr Louis Turi - Increase in bus/coach accidents
Dr Louis Turi - A cure for AIDS
maria jose diaz - zedillo will not finsh his goverment
Dr Louis Turi - More violent clashes in Germany
Dr Louis Turi - Moroccan civil war will get worse
Dr Louis Turi - Moroccan terrorist activity to increase
Dr Louis Turi - More anti-abortionist activity
Dr Louis Turi - Serious fire in a US football stadium in either April or November
Dr Louis Turi - Start of an internal US religious war
Dr Louis Turi - Major race accident in Germany.
Dr Louis Turi - Increase in fires and explosions in oil refineries and nuclear reactors.
Dr Louis Turi - Corruption scandals among high-ranking Army and Navy officers
Dr Louis Turi - Merger of top US automobile manufacturers
Dr Louis Turi - Merger of top US electronics manufacturers
Dr Louis Turi - Construction equipment strikes
Dr Louis Turi - Upsurge in international construction contracts
Dr Louis Turi - Upsurge in anti-guns and anti-cigarette terrorism
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Dr Louis Turi - Particular celebrity divorces
Dr Louis Turi - Fire in Hollywood.
Dr Louis Turi - Major overhaul of US legal practice
Dr Louis Turi - Bosnian and Serbian peace.
Dr Louis Turi - Treaties between Arafat and the Israeli Prime Minister
William Drinkwater - That a Russian-design nuclear reactor will explode in Eastern Europe.
D. Pontbriand - Panthers's Florida hockey team will loss 10 in a row in January 96
Paul - Castro will have prostate surgery
Ezekial - The PROBABLE page will be listed in POINT'S top 5%
Rick Fowler - After a life-long search, I will find the woman of my dreams and live happily ever after!
Antony Richards - Paul Keating will win the next federal election in Australia
TRANCE - The Chicago Bulls will become world champions once again.
Saint Ignatius of the Sword - New Royal Scandal: The publication of the Memories of the Buckingham Palace Babysitter, revealing H.R.H. Prince Charles' new affair.
Saint Ignatius of the Sword - Conmotion in the United Kingdom due to the publication of an interview given to the tabloids by the ex- mailman to the Palace of Buckingham, stating that he is also Lady Di's ex- lover...
Saint Ignatius of the Sword - Paparazzi surprise in fraganti Buckingham's babysitter and the mailman. Controversy among the politicians: Plot? Coincidence? Only my toilet knows...
Stephen Doughty - Increase in vaccinatable diseases in Aust children by 1996
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alvin anderson - An act of terroism will occur within the Saudi Peninsula in the (northern) summer of 1996; this act will render the Saudi oil fields inaccessable to the west for a significant period of time, resulting in the near economic and political collapse of a few of the G7.(Japan, Italy and France).
Hallee Starborn - Forbes will be elected President of the United States in the upcoming election.
Betty Bland - earthquake of 4.7 magnitude or higher in southwestern India around time of March 20, 1996
Bob Warnock - Bill Clinton will be reelected as president USA
Steinar - As soon as this www "service" becomes more known it will be filled up with OS/2 advocates predicting that OS/2 will rule the operating system market "any time now" as they are predicting it on the usenet.
Gene Olson - Communist Party and Vladimir Zherinofsky win primary elections
Ken Pertcheck - The Democratic Party will regain control of the U.S. House of Representatives.
erik leech - 1996 Israel Election: Labor beats Likud by a whisker!
Sue Kovios - Sunday, June 16, 1996: Had a few earth-movement, swaying feelings again today. I haven't for a couple of weeks. Predict major earthquake within next three days. Possibly South America or Orient. Not good at predicting where.
Erik Kosberg - The 1996 U.S. election wil not be a Clinton-Dole race.
Dan B. - US Stock market crashes, dollar soars
Sue Kovios - Major disaster in a predominantly French-speaking country.
erik leech - islick willy will win the american election next week by a huge margin.. old dole cannot win.
Sam McCandlish - Dr. Louis Turi will get more predictions wrong than right in 1996.
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Jean - Seamount errupts of f Hawaii, crevice deepens, tip of island falls into ocean. tidal wave hits california and japan. soon.