PROBABLE Prediction 1996.12 [CROSS]

Submitted 25th September, 1995 by Dr Louis Turi
([email protected])


Meningitis returns

Objective measurement:

1000 people will die of meningitis in the USA during 1996.




Operation of Mars

Further comments:

@ - Important - this prediction can not be re-printed without the permission of Horus House Press, Inc. or Dr Turi.
If interested in the publication of this prediction E. Mail or call (619) 275-5853 - (619) 275-4416 - (608) 537-2383, or send $25.00 S&H included to Dr. Turi 1325 Elevation Rd - San Diego, CA, 92110.. You can reproduce this prediction on E-Mail only to others that might be interested.

This needs to be checked, but that number of deaths would have been medically sensational. New Scientist, for example, carried no mention of it. - GdB


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