Predictions for 2012
BmcQ - End of World
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Schuyler - Dec 21, 2012 is NOT the end of the world, rather when time travel will be invented.
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Dave Creamer - Strange Time Anomally Baffles scientists, Developpment of a time warping device starts being researched.
John Haddington - The people of the world will enter a new dimension on both the physical and spiritual planes. Chaos will be averted.
Q - After an extremely long upward trend, the stock market will take a plunge between 2007-2012 as the Baby Boomer generation prepares for retirement. The members of this group will begin moving vast sums of money into more conservative investment vehicles such as money market accounts and stable return funds. This market trend will result in the devaluation of younger workers' 401(k)and pension fund investments. Accordingly, younger workers will be forced to extend their working years because they won't be able to afford retirement.
Star - The world will not end, but something is definately going to happen