PROBABLE Prediction 2001.6
Submitted 25 Nov 1996 by Brain Stuff
[email protected]
Beginning in 2001, new U.S. military bases are established in Poland and Czekoslavokia as part of new N.A.T.O.
Objective measurement:
Where are the bases established?
NLT 31 Dec 2001
Russia feels threatened by the new NATO and as their economy begins to improve, a new military buildup in Russia begins... The start of the new cold war and return of the nuclear threat is reinstated.
Further comments:
Clinton can advert this problem now by slowing the addition of Poland and Czek... to NATO. Russia must be given a voice in this process to avoid a major future problem in 2009. Let's face it Russia won't be broke forever... Once their internal strife is settled they will once again be looking to exert their influence outward.