PROBABLE Prediction 1997.56
Submitted 29 Nov 1996 by Cue
Unfortunatly Microsoft will report highest earning EVER!
Objective measurement:
Microsoft Financial Report 3rd quarter 1997
3rd quarter 1997
Microsoft will continue it's bully tactics, trying to kill off or buy out every software company it can. With the introduction of Windows97 Microsoft will realize it's highest earnings ever. Blah...
Further comments:
Can't do anything about it.
Depressing, but probably true. And they didn't even need to sell Windows97 (gee, did you really think they would ship a product on time?) Check their quick facts pages. They provide a funky report builder so that you can query exactly what you want to know. But of course, all it does is either - Tell you that you're not running Explorer (whether you are or not), and suggest you try "List", which
- bombs out with
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0412'
Must be first statement on the line
/MSFT/PnL/include/, line 7
If j = 1 then rem
It would be funny if it wasn't so representative of the way Microsoft's software development seems to be.